most of my thoughts cannot be put into words, here are the few that can

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Death Pt 2 - a letter to my dog

Youre one of the stupidest creatures ive ever known, but i still feel like you deserve heaven. I hope you know that im sorry for not feeding or petting you sometimes or for pushing you out of the way. Im sorry you couldnt see the beauty of the world outside of our backyard. I wish i could have asked you what its like. you were laying out on the grass, sick as a dog (sorry) and i wanted so bad to talk to you. I wanted to tell you it would be ok. I wanted to tell you all my problems. Then before i got the chance you were gone.
Im scared to die. You probably didnt even know death was possible. Time is going by so quickly; youve been around most of my life and now i cant help but wonder when its my turn. Im even more scared i wont be remembered. That people will not recognize my name and teenagers will kick over my gravestone.
I dont know why im telling you this. Maybe since you have experienced death youll understand but maybe youre just a dumb old dog.
see you in a bit.


  1. maybe I am crying because my dog died and this is exactly how I felt.
    Or maybe because this is the best and most sad thing I have read.
    either way, thank you.

  2. I love Max Carol. Also, your writing is so honest and beautiful. I promise you're already remembered.

  3. ". . . you were laying out on the grass, sick as a dog (sorry). . ."
    Sorry, but I laughed pretty hard at this, and now I feel bad.
    I had pet rabbits, and they all died from different, tragic deaths. Whether or not heaven is there, I choose to believe, so I feel they benefit from soul insurance. Don't think I'm forcing religion on you or anything. And do not worry, because I don't plan on forgetting you. And don't you forget it!

  4. "I wanted to tell you it would be ok." #simple

  5. "Im scared to die."
    As simple as it is, it has a grand amount of truth for most anyone I know.
    #Simple and Clean

  6. "I'm scared to die." #origional
    "I'm sorry you couldn't see the beauty outside of our backyard." #SoTrue #PoorAnimals #IThoughtWeWereSheltered #NowHeCanSeeTheBeautyEvenWeCantSee
