most of my thoughts cannot be put into words, here are the few that can

Sunday, November 3, 2013


it started out slowly
i was in second period last year
it was like coming out of anesthesia
or a crazy, yet vivid dream

i started seeing the lies.
i saw one in seminary, one in my dad
it didnt seem like much at first
like sinners in disguise

ive learned to recognize them now
im taking a math test
x has no solution
but nobody can see that
the teacher calls time
the student next to me rushes to fill in "B"
he is lying to himself
filling in random answers
someone asks about his future and he fills in a mission
his grandpa dies and he fills in heaven
his parents find out what he really thinks and he fills in guilt
he lives in guilt
hes filling in his grave
a tomb built of lies
the guilt tells him to believe in things he knows are wrong
but he knows they are wrong
and stops looking for solutions.

the next time we took a test, he left the sheet blank. he knew all of the answers they gave him were lies.


  1. "the student next to me rushes to fill in "B"
    he is lying to himself
    filling in random answers
    someone asks about his future and he fills in a mission
    his grandpa dies and he fills in heaven
    his parents find out what he really thinks and he fills in guilt"

  2. i started seeing the lies.
    i saw one in seminary, one in my dad
    it didnt seem like much at first
    like sinners in disguise

    Awesome stanza. Really like the tone you use in this one.

  3. This was angry. In a good way.

    "i saw one in seminary, one in my dad
    it didnt seem like much at first"

  4. man this is unreal. i can't think of words good enough to describe how much i like this one. amazing.

  5. "like sinners in disguise"
    "a tomb built of lies"

    I love the different pictures you've painted with this. Awesome job! Loved it.
