most of my thoughts cannot be put into words, here are the few that can

Sunday, September 29, 2013

An Adventure

I want to go on an adventure
I want my life to be an adventure
I want to be the man with no plan
I want to be free
I want to do new things
I want to change the world
You want to stop me.


  1. "I want to go on an adventure
    I want my life to be an adventure"

    I like this, it reminds me of The Hobbit, "I'm going on an adventure!" (In British accent)


  2. #stolen-"I want to change the world." Who doesn't want to change the world. Change is good right? I really like the post. :{o

  3. #stolen-"I want to change the world." Who doesn't want to change the world. Change is good right? I really like the post. :{o

  4. I love the line, "I want to change the world, you want to stop me" I think that is so true and amazingly awesome #sostolenithurts

  5. "I want to be the man with no plan"

    (even though I'm not a man)

  6. "I want my life to be an adventure" #Stolen

    To be honest, I just want to steal this whole post. Very well done

  7. "You want to stop me." #freakingstolethis

    this was really really good.

  8. I want to be free
    I want to do new things
    I want to change the world
    You want to stop me.

    #PREACH #stolen

  9. "I want to do new things
    I want to change the world
    You want to stop me."
    I won't stop you. You got my support, and I'll have your back! Dream on brother! Dream until it swirls into the Wake. . .

  10. "I want to go on an adventure" I wake up every freaking day wanting the same thing.
